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Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 30th August 2018 - News / KNOWLEDGEWELL - Wellcom Worldwide Support

Aug 27 2018

Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 30th August 2018

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1. File type restrictions - JPG and MP4 have been removed from 'Document Upload' presets.

2. Drag and Drop upload - User interface has been increased in size to allow greater drop area zone across the entire application.

3. Selection Icons - User interface has been updated to increase the icons presented to users in all 'thumbnail' views.

4. List view selection - User interface has been updated to allow a user to select, individual items throughout the entire application.

5. Home screen, Stories / Collections - User interface has been updated to now include navigation from home screen to direct users to stories and/or collections.

6. Stories/Collection name - Extending the character limit and new user hover function to display full name.

7. Gifting Import / Export - Batch control of the gifting process.


1. My Downloads History - Sorting of Date and Time list view.

2. Product Media Assignment - The application will not allow for the same media to be assigned to a product.

3. Basic Search Media - Changes have been made to give a more consistent result when including file extensions.

4. Email Service - Email notification service updated.

5. Media Assignment to Product - Navigation after assigning media to a product on saving will now hold the currently viewed page (tab).

6. Ticketing -  Fix mismatch between stock and in stock filter.

KNOWLEDGEWELL - Local Area Marketing (Fixes)

1. Campaign/Sub Campaign results - Change results from 10 viewable items to 50 viewable items, in thumbnail view and tree view.

2. DAM Asset Information  - Extend display of information to users for both media and products.

3. Reporting - Enhance export template data from reports.

4. Templates not displaying - Fix to make sure templates display correctly for stores and users.

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