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Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 6th December 2018 - News / KNOWLEDGEWELL - Wellcom Worldwide Support

Dec 3 2018

Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 6th December 2018

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1. Campaign and Job share options

Campaign and Job share options have been simplified and improved

2. Improvements to Producer Ingredients

Producer ingredient order now maintained, highest to lowest contents

3. Product Creation Process

Brand is now displayed during product creation process

4. Back end processes

Improvements to the DTD/UTD processes

5. File Share Reports

Additional detail added to the file share reports

6. Collection/Story - Document Hover

When Editing a Folder within a Collection/Story, with you can hover over documents item to access the Details, Promote, Remove menu.

7. View, Downloads, Shares Report

Download issue resolved

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