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Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 24 January 2019 - News / KNOWLEDGEWELL - Wellcom Worldwide Support

Jan 21 2019

Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 24 January 2019

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1. Supplier Access

Supplier/Partner Access to Canopy crumb line issue resolved

2. Archived Assets

When navigating from the dashboard, changes have been made to allow users with edit and admin privileges to access all asset statuses for all environments.

3. Search Results

Next Batch button count issue resolved when displaying 11 results

4. Producer Notifications

Notification added to Producer accreditation to trigger on the date of expiry

5. Theming

All themed items are now displaying correctly

6. Search

Search to handle a full stop while searching for any object

7. Media Themes

Two themes on a media is now searchable in two fields rather than creating a new theme

8. Product - Custom Documents

Issue sharing custom documents in a product has been resolved


1. Packaging Approval

Packaging download PDF report issue resolved

2.  PDF Reports

PDF Report changes made to better accommodate landscape pages in PDF reports


1. Welcome Message

Welcome message length capability increased to 1500 characters

2.  Supplier Email Notification

Display template name is now displayed on supplier email notification for orders placed

3.  Latest Templates

Refinements made to the latest purchased items display

4.  My Favourites

Improvement to display only 10 favourite assets

5.  Featured Content

Now only displays the latest featured assets for the current active business unit

6.  What's Hot

Now only displays the hot assets for the current active business unit

7.  Latest Campaigns

Now only displays the latest campaigns for the current active business unit

8.  Home Page

Sections now only display business unit specific data

9.  Supplier

 Search order by supplier pagination issue for page number resolved

10.  Sub-Campaigns

Inactive Sub-Campaigns now only visible to Admin Users

11.  Media Caregories

Media Categories are now alphabetised

12.  Category and Sub Category Delete Functionality

Category and Sub-Category delete function for admin users

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