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Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 22nd November 2018 - News / KNOWLEDGEWELL - Wellcom Worldwide Support

Nov 20 2018

Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 22nd November 2018

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1. Oops errors

System displays Oops error while assigning make-up files to a job within campaigns area - Resolved

Unassign media and documents search all produce an Oops error - Resolved

2. Tags

Custom tags for media and documents to clean up duplicates - Resolved

3. ZIP shares - PC

Zip files downloaded via PC not working correctly due to slash in pathname - Resolved

4. Media Export

Validation added to date range to generate a report - Resolved

5. Sharing alternate formats

When sharing content where CloudFront is configured for clients, some formats are not being sent - Resolved

6. Campaign Make-Up files not displaying correctly after refresh

Make Up files - Set item as finals and you try to add to an existing job. The job list is not displayed when you first go into the window. If you close the window and try again the existing job list is displayed - Resolved


1. Studio Help

New order form added for digital dispatch and artwork adjustments

2.  Search Order Function

New search orders function for suppliers.

Helpful Unhelpful