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Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 1st November 2018 - News / KNOWLEDGEWELL - Wellcom Worldwide Support

Oct 29 2018

Knowledgewell Deployment - Thursday 1st November 2018

Authors list


1. DAM (Canopy) 

Files names from Canopy are now wrapping correctly when displayed on the Dashboard.


1. Custom Tag Duplication

Media and Document spreadsheet ingestion custom tag duplicates have been resolved.

2. Campaign Documents

Files uploaded to Campaign documents section are now generating previews.

3. Media Mandatory Field Validations 

Media mandatory field validations have been resolved have been resolved when uploading new media into a product.

4. Unassigned Media and Documents 

Unassigned media and documents are now behaving as they should.

5. Simplification  - Campaign and Job Share Options

When sharing Campaigns and Jobs the options have been simplified.

6. Document Search

Media mandatory field validations have been resolved.

7. File Shares Reporting

Reporting now includes both Ad Hoc Shares and normal shares.

8. Collections - Document Sorting

Added sorting order for documents to show in desc by date order.

9. Campaign - Show All Count Resolved

Campaign total component has been added to the 'view all' page.

10. Search 

Issue in search when switching between keyword search and exact search has been resolved.

Selecting Multiple objects (Product, Media, Documents) search issue has been resolved.


1. Note Character Count

Character count limit in notes has been increased to 5000 characters.

2. Report - Media file name

Full Media filename is now displayed on report and is no longer truncated.

3. Copy Annotations

Added function to ensure copied note receives it's own unique ID on PDF report.
UI has been improved when copying and pasting annotations to different regions.


1. Send to Studio Functionality

Send to Studio workflow added, including email notification content.

2. Template Reporting

Additional information added to the Template Data Report. Report Now includes: Item Approvers, Item Expiry Date, Sub-Campaign Expiry Date and Campaign Expiry Date.

3. Admin User Functionality

Admin User can now view inactive and archived sub-campaigns.

4. Media View and Download Counts

View and Download Counts have been added on Media.

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