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Photographic Briefing - Creation - Knowledgebase / Photography Briefing (PTB) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

Photographic Briefing - Creation

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01. Login


02. Create brief


03. Enter job details


04. Add Groups/Pages


05. Enter Lines


06. Edit lines


07. Add line detail references


08. Upload supporting documentation


09. Reports


10. Search and filter


11. Push images to Canopy


12. Close brief






To access Altitude go to URL Apps/WebObjects/Altitude.woa/ and login using your email address and Altitude password.




A list of active briefs will be displayed. These briefs can be sorted by selecting the column headers.


To create a new brief select the Create New Brief button.




Enter Brief name. It is important to use a consistent naming conventiony.


Enter Date required. This is the date images are required back.


Client reference can be used for any other internal job codes if required.


Additional details can be entered into the description field.


Select the client contact as the Client Coordinator.


Select the Wellcom contact as the Wellcom Coordinator.


Select Save.




Select the Add Group button to create a new group. Enter group number and group description. Add as many groups as required.




Select the arrow against the group to open up the line details panel.


Add a new line for each shot required.


For each line enter a description for the shot.


Enter an Asset Number. The asset number field will be used as the image filename when uploaded.


Select the type of styling and finish required from the drop down menus.


Enter any additional notes if required.


Note: The line shot status will default to “to be Photographed”


Each shot line also contains item references for the samples that make up the shot. Enter the sample information into these item reference lines.


Ensure that you have entered the product code and description for each item reference.


Additional item references for the shot can be added by selecting the + symbol at the end of the line.


Select the sample status of either missing, sourced or obtained (held) against each item reference.


Once the sample has been labelled as sourced and has been scanned using the tracking device this status will update to “Sample Pending Receive”




To retire or move an entire shot select the Actions  button against the shot line. Here you have the option to retire or move this shot to another page.


To retire or move a sample reference item select the Actions button against the reference line. Here you have the option to retire or move this reference item to another page and/or a new line.




To add further details for the shot including talent, styling references and prop references, select the Actions button against the shot line and choose Photographic Line Detail. Scroll to the bottom of this window to find the relevant sections. Here you can add talent, styling and prop references from the library or upload references directly from your computer.


New Talent, Props and Reference items can also be uploaded directly into the Target Library by selecting the Library tab in the menu bar.




Additional brief files can be uploaded into the Supporting Documents section.


Select the add button. Entre a folder name and select create new folder. Select the folder and add files by dragging them into the selected area or by selecting the hyperlink to search for your file.




Reports can be accessed by selecting the reports button in the top section of the brief.


Here you will find the Missing Sample Report. This report will list all missing samples and their relevant data which can also be filtered down using the column headers.


The spreadsheet report lists all brief items and their data including status.


The Brief report is a PDF file of all brief items.


The Contact Sheet report displays all photographic images that have been selected.


The Shot report displays the action the number of selects and treatments for each type of shot.




The search field at the top of the line items enables you to find a specific item. You can search for a line item by code, description or asset number. Multiple values can be searched for by using a comma as a separator.


The Samples filter can be used to search for a sample status. This status shows the location of the sample. Samples can either be Missing, Sourced, Pending Receive at Wellcom, Pending Return, Returned to Target or Held (obtained). These statuses can be automatically updated by using the scanner tracking device. The status can also be triggered manually by selecting the logistics & tracking truck icon at the page level.


The photography status filer can be used to display the status of the line item shoot. The shot status will default to ‘To be photographed’. Once images are uploaded this status will update to either ‘Captures Uploaded’ for those images requiring a selects process or ‘Selects’ for those images that will be auto selected. Selected images will then be pushed to a ‘Treatments’ process, then final retouched images will have a status of


‘Treatments Complete’. Images with a shared status have been pushed through to Canopy.


The styling filter can be used to sort lines based on styling, ie. Talent, Flat Lay Product Shot, etc..


The archive filter can be used to search for retired items.




Once all photography has been completed, Images have been supplied and samples have been returned you can push the images to Canopy and close off the brief.


To push images through to Canopy hover over the Actions button in the top section of the brief and select Share with Canopy.


This window will display all line items and their selected and alternate images. Go through the list and check which items you would like to push through to Canopy.


There will be a warning message alongside images that have not been treated yet. These images should not be pushed through to Canopy until they have been treated.


There is also the option to select all. You can then deselect items if required.


Once selections have been made, select the Send Changes button at the base of the window.


Selected images will now be sent to Canopy.




Once the job has been completed you can close off the brief.


Select Complete from the top section of the brief.



This will move the brief out of the home active brief list into the Archives tab.



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