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DAM - View jobs and download - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - View jobs and download

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01. View basic campaign details

02.Viewing campaign jobs and files

03.View jobs

04.Sharing jobs

05.Downloading job make up jiles

06.Alternative job preview screens

07.Accessing job make up files 

08.Accessing job media 

09.Returning to the campaign from within a job

01.View basic Campaign details 

Select the campaign tab, the most recent campaigns and jobs will be displayed. In the search window enter required search terms. The categories drop down will allow you to select either the job or campaign options. The show all button will display the advanced search button for more specific searches.

Note: you selected category drop down options will be remembered in your web browser the next time you login.

To open a campaign select the campaign, the campaign details will be displayed.

02.Viewing Campaign Jobs and Files

Job type tabs: From within the selected campaign, the job type tabs will display the number of jobs within each specific job type.

Select the job type required and the jobs wil be displayed below.

Make-up files: The make up files tab will display all file sets uploaded to the campaign.

Media: The media tab will display all linked media from the assets area of Canopy

Documents: The documents tab will contain any documents specific to the entire campaign.

Discussions: Campaign discussions are contained within this area.

03.Viewing Jobs

From either the campaign search results or from the job type tab within a campaign, select the required job.

Job details will be displayed. Below the job details are the thumbnail previews for the job. These can be selected to open and view in more detail by selecting the magnify glass on the right of the screen.

Additional related jobs within the same campaign will be displayed in the column on the left. Select other jobs to view their job details.

04.Sharing jobs  

From the tasks drop down list located at the top right hand side of the screen, select the share option. This can be emailed to either existing Canopy users or new email addresses can be added. 

The recipient/s will receive a link to the job and can either choose the files to download individually or download the zip of the entire job shared.

05.downloading job Files  

To download make-up files, select the make up files area from within a job or campaign. Select the download button along side the required files within the file set.

Alternatively, select download document from the job tasks drop down list to download the ‘file seleted as final’ in the job creation process. 

06.Alternative job preview screens

Job previews will default to small thumbnails. If a multi-page document has been uploaded, each page will appear. 

Select the magnifying glass along side the page area located at the right of the screen to open the selected page into a larger window. 

The ‘download document’ option will appear at the base of the window in this display and will download the entire preview file uploaded. Close this window the return to the previous screen.

07.Accessing job make-up files 

To access the make up files for the job (file set uploaded), select the make-up files button located to the right of the screen. 

Use the download option in the make up files tool bar to download multiple selected file together. 

Alternatively individual files can be dowloaded by using the individual download buttion to the right of each file in the file set.

Make-up files can also be downloaded from with the make up files area of the campaign. 

08.Accessing job media

If media has been directly uploaded to a particular job (rather than at campaign level), this media can be found in the job media area. 

09.Returning to the campaign details

From within the job view the crumb line found at the top right of the screen can be selected to return to either the campaign search window. 


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