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DAM - Upload makeup files for jobs via campaign - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Upload makeup files for jobs via campaign

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01.Log in to Canopy

02.Select Campaigns

03.Locate and select required campaign

04.Select make up files

05.Select add new files

06.Upload files



01.Log In to canopy

Log on to Canopy entering your username and password

02.Select Campaigns

From the top of the screen, select campaigns

03.LOcate and Select required campaign

Within the campaign search window locate and select the required campaign. make up files

Within the campaign select the make-up files tab.

05.Select add new files

Within the make-up files tab select the ‘add files’ located to the left of the screen.

06.Upload files

A seperate zip file should be created for each job. 

Drag one zip at a time into the designated area on the upload window. Once you uploading is complete the name of your zip will appear in the label field. Check the name of your zip file, rename if required and select save. 

Your files will be processed and each zip will appear in a file set found to the left of the window. From within each file set files can be promoted into jobs.

Note: Zip files can be combined into one file set by selecting multiple zips and dragging into the upload window.

Note: Each job should be uploaded as a seperate zip to ensure that when files are dowloaded only the required job will download.

TIPS for File Upload

-Ensure you create a seperate zip for each job to be uploaded.

-Ensure each job contains a file that can be promoted to create a job preview. Job previews can be TIF, JPG, PNG, PDF or GIF.




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