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DAM - Edit products - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Edit products

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01. Find your product


02. Edit product


03. Edit product general information


04. Edit product assets


05. Edit product attributes


06. Edit product promotions


07. Edit product marketing information


08. Edit product metadata information


09. Edit product custom information






Select the Content tab at the top of the screen. The most recent products will be displayed.


To search for a product enter a product code or product description into the search field.


Hover over the ‘All Categories’ button. Here you can filter which items you want to search across.


All products can searched across using the Products filter. 


Select the required product.




At the top right of the product view screen select the Tasks menu, then select Edit this Product.


The editable fields of the product’s general details will initially be displayed.




The general area allows you to edit the product’s details.


In the editable text fields i.e. codes, description and size, you can enter in new or additional information.


In the status area, the product can be set to active, inactive or archived from the drop down menu.


Active: is the default status of the product and will enable the product to be used in a distribution.


Inactive or archived: will archive the product and disable the ability for the product to be used in a distribution.


Other available fields such as Categories, Swatch tags,Themes and Range can also be edited. The options available within these areas are predetermined.


To edit one of these fields, click the appropriate field and select the required option from the drop down menu.


Select save at the base of the screen to ensure all changes are retained.




Select the Assets tab to show all product assets.


All media uploaded and assigned to the product will be displayed in either the promoted or secondary media sections.


Differentiating media between promoted or secondary media is for distribution purposes only. Based on the level of distribution (static, details or enriched) will depend on what media is distributed. An enriched distribution will distribute all assets at both levels.


Additional assets can be assigned to the product by searching for an existing image filename through the search media bar and selecting add.


A new asset can also by uploaded to the product by dragging the image into the attach file area.

Hover over the image to show the media options: view details, promote/demote, remove and set as hero.


View Details: will display detailed information about the file. To return to the editable assets screen select the previous crumb line item at the top of the screen.


Promote: is available for media in the secondary media section. When selected the media item will be moved into the promoted media section.


Demote: is available for media in the promoted media section. When selected the media item will be moved into the secondary media section.


Remove: will remove the media from the product. The media item will not be removed from Canopy altogether. It will now reside within the media area and no longer  be linked to the product.


Set as Hero: will nominate the media item to be the hero image (larger preview) when viewing the product. The hero image will also be linked to the associated range.


All media uploaded and assigned to the product by  your company will initially be displayed in the secondary media area.




All documents uploaded and assigned to the product will be displayed in the documents area.


Additional documents can be assigned to the product by searching for an existing document filename through the search documents bar and selecting add.


Hover over the preview to remove the document if required.




To link a decoration to the product, search for a decoration and select add. Here you can nominate decorations to be assigned to the product.


Note: decorations must be setup prior in the Tools maintain decorations component of Canopy.


Select save at the base of the screen to ensure all changes are retained.




Additional product attributes can be defined within the Attributes tab.




Select promotions to display the promotions and specific dates of the product These can be used to manage the distribution period for the product.


Lifecycle will default to Active.


Exposure date; Use the calendar icon to select the exposure date of the product. This date symbolises the date in which the product can be released to the market.


End of life date; Use the calendar icon to select the end of life date for the product. This date symbolises the date in which the product can no longer be used in distributions, offers or downloads.


To add a new promotion date, enter the start date in the start field and the end date in the end field. Nominate if you would like the promotional date to be displayed in the schedule, then select create promotion.


To delete a product promotion, select delete to the right hand side of the promotion line listing.


Note: Promotional dates are referenced when a product or product offer is distributed with enriched data.


Select save at the base of the screen to ensure all changes are saved.




Select marketing tab to display the marketing information of the product. Marketing information can include features and benefits, specifications, reviews and custom information.


To edit custom information select the edit button. The custom fields will be displayed. Here you can add new data against a field, edit the existing data value or remove the data value. Select save at the base of the screen to ensure all changes are retained.




Additional product metadata details such as Alcohol, Ingredients, Nutritional, Environmental and Technical information can be stores within the Metadata tab.





Additional custom metadata can be stored within the Custom tab.



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