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DAM - Edit collection / story - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Edit collection / story

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01. View Story


02. Edit Story detail


03. Edit Chapter detail


04. Batch Actions





Select the content tab, then hover over the Categories button and ensure Stories is selected.


Enter search content to search for a story.


Click on the preview of the relevant story to view the detail.


Navigate between chapters using the numbers under the chapter previews. Select the read more button to show all content for the chapter.


Select an image to show a larger preview. Download options will appear beneath the image.


Selected images can also be exported to a spreadsheet, PDF or shared to another person via the Batch Actions button.


Note: Individual images can also be searched for  in the Media category. Here you can search across image filenames.




Story details can be edited at any stage.


Select the Edit button at the base of the screen to update Story details.


Name, description, classifications and restrictions can be updated under the General tab.


Dates, contacts, credits and access can be updated via the additional tab options.


Select save within each tab as detail is edited to save your changes.


Use the chapters tab to add new chapters to the story or edit existing chapters.




Chapter Media can be added via drag and drop (images only) directly into the Secondary Media section or use the search function to link previously uploaded media.


Unlink media from a Chapter by hovering over the preview and selecting the rubbish bin icon.


Note: Unlinked media will remain stored within Media in Content.


Assign Documents


Documents can be assigned to the Chapter via the Documents tab. Use the search function to link previously uploaded documents.


Note: all Documents must be uploaded via Pipeline


Promote Media


Media can be promoted as the preferred option/s.


Hover over media in the Secondary Media section and select the up arrow icon to promote the image to Promoted Media.


Select save at the base of the screen.


Promoted Media will display as the main images for each chapter.


Set Story hero image


It is also possible to set a hero image for the Story from the available Chapter media.


Within the Media tab, hover over the image you want to make the hero and select the ribbon icon to set the selected image as the hero. The image will now have a green hero indicator on it.


Select save from the base of the chapter screen.




Multiple pieces of Media can be updated simultaneously using the Batch Actions menu.


Edit Media


Select all media to be edited using the tick icon at the top right of each piece of media, then select Edit Media from within the Batch Actions menu.


Common tag and restriction values can be updated across all selected media from within the General tab.


Select Save to store the updated values.


Assign Media to Products


Select all media to be edited using the tick icon at the top right of each piece of media, then select Search for Products with Batch Actions menu.


Enter a product code or name into the Media search field. Select search all.


Matched Products will display below. Select the required Product/s & assign.


Note: Media can be assigned to multiple Products.



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