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DAM - Collection / Story cretaion - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Collection / Story cretaion

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01. Select tools

02. Select create new story

03. Enter general story information

04. Select save

05. Create story chapter/s

06. Save the story

07. Return to top level of the story

08. Set hero story image




01. Select Tools 

From the top menu panel, select tools.

02. Select create new story

Under the Stories, Recipes and Events heading, select create new story. 

03. Enter general Story information

Enter the story name and description, select from the predetermined classifications and locations, select locale (language) and uncheck the three boxes (use discussions, use recipes and use instructions).

Note: Story name should match the Axiom creative job name.

04. Select Save

Select save from the base of the screen. An error will be displayed ‘at least one chapter must be created’. Ignore this message.

05. Create story chapter/s

Select the chapters tab from within the story, select ‘add chapter’.

Enter chapter information, number, title and description.

Select save from the base of the screen.

06. Upload media to story

Select the media tab from within the chapter area. 

Drag and drop flattened TIF files into the upload area.
Once file/s have uploaded select save from the base of the chapter screen. Select save from the base of the story screen.

07. Return to Top Level of the STory

Use the crumb line on the top right of the screen to return to the top level of the story.

08. Set hero story image

Once files have uploaded and previews have been generated you can set a hero story image.

Select edit chapter and select the media tab. 

Promoted (uploaded) media will appear at the top of
the screen, Hover over the image you want to make the hero image (the image that best represents the story) and select the ribbon icon to set the selected image as the hero. The image will now have a green hero indicator on it.

Select save from the base of the chapter screen. Use the crumb line to return to the story screen.

Select save from the base of the story screen.

Note: Once image previews have been generated, images can be accessed and edited within the assets (media) area. In this area media can be edited and additional information such as tags, description, licence information can be added. See instructions on editing media.


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