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DAM - Campaign job edit - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Campaign job edit

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01. Log in to Canopy

02. Select campaign

03. Locate required job

04. Select the job

05. Edit the job

06. Update the job information

07. Select save

08. Return to campaign view



01. Log in to canopy 

Log in to Canopy using your username and password.

02. Select campaigns 

From the top menu panel, select campaigns  

Note: The categories drop down will allow you to select either job or campaign options.

03. Locate required Job

Using the categories search area, locate the required campaign or job.

04. Select the job

Select the required job to open and view

05. Edit the job

From the top right to the screen select the tasks button and select edit from the drop down list.

06. Update job information

Enter any additional job information required (eg: Name, Client Code, Client Reference Number, Description, Dates, Region, Language, Authoriser, Account Manager and Project Manager).

Add or remove job tags as required. Note: jobs, when created, will inherit any campaign tags already entered.

Replace Job Thumbnail if required, by selecting the update button. Note: this must be a PNG file and must be manually uploaded when creating web jobs.

07. Select save

Select save from the base of the screen

08. Return to campaign view

Use the crumb line at the top of the screen to return to the job or campaign view.


- Add additional make-up files

Select the make-up files tab on the required job.

Add files: allows you to upload new files to the campaign.

Select add files and drag files or a zip into the upload window. Rename the file set upload if required and select save. This will add the files to the campaign.

Add existing: allows you to link additional file sets already uploaded to the campaign.

Select add existing file set and locate the file set from the drop down list of campaign make up files. Once selected, select confirm.

The file set will be now added to your job make up files. 



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