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DAM - Campaign job creation - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Campaign job creation

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01. Select make-up files

02. Select required file set

03. Set slected item as finals

04. Select job type

05. Select Job (if required)

06. Enter job name

07. Confirm

Uploading a static Job preview

01. Locate the job

02. Edit the job

03. Upload thumbnail


Jobs are created using zip files (file sets) uploaded into 

the make-up files area. See “make-up file upload” instructions.

01. Select Make Up Files 

From within a campaign, select make-up files. 

02. Select required file set

File sets are located on the left hand side of the
make-up files area. Select the required file set.

03. Set selected items as finals

Locate the required preview file from within your file set. Tick the box along side the required file. 

From the file set tools (displayed above) select the star icon ‘set selected items as finals’ 

The “Promote file set iteems” (job creation) window will appear. 

Note: when promoting final files for web, an entire zip must be promoted. 

Note: for web, video and audio jobs a static job preview (PNG thumbnail) must be uploaded in the job edit screen.

04. Select job type

Select the job type from the drop down list.

05. Select Job

This should default to ‘new job’. If you are adding files to an existing job, select from the drop down list.

06. Enter job Name

Enter the job name. Name of promoted file will appear as a default, you can change this if required.

07. Confirm

Select confirm.

Your job will now be created and you can edit the job via the job type tab and enter additional job information.

Note: this process can be repeated to create individual jobs the from all the make-up files uploaded.


Uploading a static Job preview 

Jobs such as video, audio and web will need a static preview uploaded. This can be done from within each job.

01. Locate the Job

From within a campaign, select the required job type and locate the required job. Select job to view.

02. Edit the Job

From within the job screen, select tasks located at the top right and select edit.

03. Upload thumbnail

Select the upload button from along side the thumbnail field. Select choose file and locate the preview file.

Select save on the upload window.

The new preview will upload and you will be returned to the job screen.

Note: for best results your preview file should be a PNG file.



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