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DAM - Campaign creation - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Campaign creation

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01. Select campaigns

02. Select create new campaign

03. Enter campaign name and details, including description, dates, regions and tags

04. Select campaign job types

05. Save 


01. Select campaigns 

Select campaigns at the top of the screen. The campaign search screen will be displayed. 

02. Create new campaign

Select create new campaign from the top right of the screen.

03. Enter campaign details

Enter the campaign name, the campaign code (if one has been nominated), client code, enter the campaign description and the campaign start and end dates. Select the pre set campaign regions. Select the language.

Enter the campaign tags. Note: the campaign tags will be added to all jobs created within the campaign and additional tags can be added or tags removed at any stage.

04. Select campaign job types

Select types tab from the top of the screen. Check or uncheck required job types.

05. Select SAVE

Select save from the base of the screen.


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