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DAM - Assets / Content upload - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Assets / Content upload

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01. Prepare assets for upload

02. Upload assets


03. Assign Pipeline media


04. Assign Pipeline documents





Ensure assets have been prepared to the correct specifications prior to ingestion.


Files need to be named as per the business approved naming convention and must include file extensions.


Where possible all images should be converted to the below specifications prior to upload. This will ensure images are suitable for use across all end points.


Recommended image specs:


-Colour space: RGB Adobe 1998

-Resolution: 300dpi

-Clipping path applied (if required)

-One path on the images

-TIF with LZW image compression

-Filenames must contain no spaces or illegal characters.




Depending on your file type here are two methods available for upload


Drag and drop - images only


Log in to Canopy via


Important - contour images uploaded via drag and drop must be prepared with transparent backgrounds prior to upload if an intended end point is screen based.


Products - edit product, select media tab and drag images to secondary media. Save.


Stories - edit story, select chapters tab, edit required chapter, select media tab and drag images to secondary media. Save.


Pipeline FTP - all files


Log into Pipeline FTP via


Copy images to the relevant IN folder based on file their type.


Clip Media - for all contoured images that have clip paths.


Note: files processed by Clip Media will be saved with transparent backgrounds based on the image clip path.


Media - for all other file types including square finish images, videos and document files.

Once images have been processed they will move into the OUT folder.




New images or video uploaded into Canopy via Pipeline will appear on the Home page within Unassigned Media.


Select Unassigned Media to view the ingested images and select images to assign by one of the below options.


Assign to Products - select Assign to Product, enter a search term (code or word) and select Search All. Choose the required Product from the search results. Select Assign to save.


Assign to Ranges - select Assign to Range and Products, select the Brand and then the Range from the drop downs.


Tick the check box for the required Range and Products, then select Finish to save.


Assign to Stories - select Assign to Story then choose the required story and chapter. Select Finish to save.




New documents uploaded into Canopy via Pipeline will appear on the Home page within Unassigned Documents.


Select Unassigned Documents to view the ingested files and select files to assign by one of the below options.


Assign to Products - select Assign to Product, select the Range and then the Product from the drop downs. Select Create to save.


Assign to Ranges - select Assign to Range and Products, select the Range from the drop down, then select Create to save.


Assign to Stories - select Assign to Story then choose the required story and chapter. Select Create to save.



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