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DAM - Asset / Content media search - Knowledgebase / Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Wellcom Worldwide Support

DAM - Asset / Content media search

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01. Select assets

02. Select media from the category drop down

03. Search for media




01.Select assets

Select assets at the top of the screen. The most recent assets uploaded to Canopy will initially be shown.

02.Select media from category drop down

Check the box along side media in the category drop down. If this option is set as your default, the most recently added media items will be displayed.

03.Search for Media

To search for media, you can use the simple or advanced search function. 

Main search.

Use the search field in the media search area to conduct a simple search. Here you can search for media by the file name, description, themes or tags. Type in your search criteria, then press enter to display your search results.

Advanced search.

Select show all to display the advanced search button. Select advanced search to display a wider range of searchable fields. 

Enter the required data to the appropriate fields. Choose “all criteria must match” or “any criteria must match”, then select search. Your search result will be displayed.

Note: use “all criteria must match” will narrow your search, where as use “any criteria must match” will widen your search.

Continually scroll to the base of the page to reveal additional search results, by selecting next batch at the base of each screen.

04.Locate media

Locate and select the required media to view the full media details.


Note: refer to the view media training material.




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